The Role Of Jesus In The Book Of Revelations

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Evidence of these claims come from everything Jesus said in the four "gospel" records and throughout the Book of Revelations, cross referenced to the Moses and Old Testament (OT) Prophet's records, to reveal how and why Ti (pronounced Tee) and Do (pronounced Doe) fulfilled the task described as the "Two Witnesses," Two Christs, the same Ones described as The Father in Heaven and His Son, (the One who came incarnate in the body named Jesus), returning this time, together, incarnate (in the flesh) as partners for the FIRST of a two WAVE "Harvest" conclusion of the experimental task They both began as recorded in the Book of Genesis as the Elohim and Adam and Enoch and then in the other OT records as Jehovah and Moses and Elijah.

It will be shown how and why these Two Witnesses were prophesied by Jesus to have New Names for Their New, "in-the-flesh" Return, (that has been called Jesus' "Second Coming"), to occur during the New Age, aka End Time, in a New geographical area (not to the Middle East/Israel), as a New Nation, (ethnic populous), described as the New Jerusalem (also having a New Name). …show more content…

Southwest, where physical participants arrive to take and exit their incarnations via physical spacecrafts, aka a "cloud of light", or