The Room Where Thomas Is Being Kept In Chapter 1 Summary

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What color is the room where Thomas is being kept in Chapter 1? ANSWER: The color of the room is white. What are the last words that Teresa told Thomas about the WICKED? ANSWER: “WICKED is good.” In Chapter 1, who does Thomas describe from sight after their rescue on the giant Berg? ANSWER: Jorge and Brenda How many days does it take for the isolation room door to open, in Chapter 1? ANSWER: 26 days. Who was helping Thomas when he assisted in creating the Maze? ANSWER: It’s Teresa. What color is Rat Man’s suit? ANSWER: All his suits are mostly white. What names are given to the immune of the Flare virus? ANSWER: They are called Munies. Who is Thomas really looking for? ANSWER: He really wanted to see Brenda. According to the Rat Man, what is …show more content…

ANSWER: Newt is not immune to the Flare. In Chapter 8, Thomas got told to never trust the others and to trust someone. Who is it? ANSWER: Chancellor Paige. Where does the flare do the most damage? ANSWER: In the brain. Describe Thomas’s dream in Chapter 10. ANSWER: His dream was about mostly about is memory of his childhood and they were clouded in his mind. True or false, children are geniuses? ANSWER: True. In Chapter 11, Thomas tell us is only hope. Who is it? ANSWER: Brenda. In Chapter 11, we notice that Brenda is working for someone else. For who is she working for? ANSWER: Brenda is now working for the WICKED Why did Brenda get into the telepathy system? ANSWER: Because she wanted to warn Thomas. What is Rat Man’s real name? ANSWER: A.D. Janson. When they are exiting WICKED’s headquarter, who is flying the Berg? ANSWER: It’s Jorge that is flying. Why couldn’t Thomas underestimate WICKED? ANSWER: Because he had been tricked by everyone in the WICKED. According to Thomas, who should lead the group? ANSWER: Brenda should lead the group because she knows the place better than anyone else. Who’s key card are they using to open the doors in the WICKED headquarter? ANSWER: They are using Janson’s(Rat Man) key