The Stereotypes Of Malignant Narcissism

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NARRATION I look in the mirror and what do I see? I see me looking back at me. I wonder – why am I the only me? I am good enough, there should be at least three of me. I was barely the age of ten when I discovered I had the ability to weave a complex story and mesmerize my readers and listeners with incredulous amounts of information to the point where people would feel overwhelmed. But their confusion and heightened interest in what I had to say, I thrived off of. As I progressed through my years, naturally, I developed a tendency to place myself as the center of those stories – often re-writing my own lackluster history into something far greater, and grander. Countless nights, I found myself spending evenings composing short stories about …show more content…

When a person displays malignant narcissism, it can be assumed that the individual has dealt with narcissism for a while now. Malignant narcissists are characterized by anger, thirst for power, and exaggerated self-importance. They believe that they are above all others and everyone else is insignificant and expendable. Because of that believe, they think they are justified when they manipulate and exploit others. 75% of these malignant narcissists are male. Unlike the conceited and arrogant nature of the Classic Narcissist, people with fragile narcissism exert themselves as arrogant to cover up their fragile self-esteem. Fragile narcissists manipulate this image of grandiose expression as a defense against anxiety and loneliness because they do not have the ability to cope with anything they perceive as criticism. They are extremely sensitive and are known to erupt in rage when they feel like they are being attacked (whether it was meant that way or not). Superiority for them is achieved in demeaning and downgrading others. It is not easy to identify an Exhibitionistic Narcissist until you have been exposed to them for long periods of time. People with high-functioning narcissism believe they are self-important, and are generally articulate, energetic and outgoing. Exhibitionistic Narcissists are intelligent and probably holds a high position in their profession and/or owns his/her own business – basically a prominent member of society. That is why they’re harder to detect that other types of narcissists. They are quick to outsmart other people, and are known to brainwash others to believe that they (the Exhibitionistic Narcissist) is always are. In their eyes, they are never wrong, and if they did something wrong, it was influenced by another person’s poor example or