
The Stereotypes Of Violent Video Games

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GAlmost every moment of everyday, children are exposed to new technologies, new games, new TV shows, and other forms of entertainment. One of those are the YouTube videos, being the gameplays –the type of videos that explicit explain the characteristics of a video game, the plot, the way it can be played, some tricks and other special effects- one of the most popular among young generations; yet, are this new generation of children safe while drowning in technology and information? If so, what are the effects of this type of entertainment into the children’s brain? As exploring into this new form of entertainment, it was found that some of the colors used in this particular type of videos play a crucial role into the stereotypes created by …show more content…

The most popular of these are the funny games, and the games that does not have an apparent sense. The game that Germán played into the video analyzed have this esay comedy theme; in the video, at some point is used a black and white palette of colors to create the impression of being old, this means, to represent the game was played before. Although this videogame is known for having no sense at all, the colors used in some of the levels, have a particular meaning. For instance, in one of the levels as one of the characters asphyxiates, his face is turned into a light purple color, alarming the player that he could either die or lose the game; also, gases or mucusses in the game are represented with a mixture between yellow and green, colors that brain relates with gross or “disgusting, and with sickness as well. In one of the first stages, the character is shooting a gun, it does not shoot bullets, but colors. The explosions and shootings create an impact impression in our brains. Also, the colors of the shooting are a mix from white to yellow, not a red color. This can be interesting due to the fact that maybe the game is not calling the attention to the shooting, but to the …show more content…

Two of the final stages present this phenomena. In the first one, when the magic square turns the kids into objects, the girl is converted into a pink object while the boy is turned into a blue object. Throughout the history, the society have created the stereotype that pink is a girls color, and blue a boy color, this part of the game reinforces this idea even though it was created in a new generation that tries to destroy this convey. In the second one, the light that comes out from the UFO is most white than yellow. This color create into the brain a peaceful sensation, but also with things that are pure, safe and things we are not used to –or have not known at the moment. Old generations have always thought that the things humans do not know well are better to let them into the mystery, and to no play with them as they can be dangerous; however, since the first human arriving in the moon, humanity is involved in understand all the things that have been hidden. The game supports the idea that there are still some things that humans have not proved, and they are only into the imagination. These features are covered into “clues” to pass the levels, and with the repetition of them, it is secured into the

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