The TRA: The Theory Of Planned Behavior

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TRA has been applied to explain the behavior beyond the acceptance of technology and includes four general concepts: behavioral attitudes, subjective norms, intention to use and actual use. It argues that individuals evaluate the consequences of a particular behavior and create intentions to act that are consistent with their evaluations. A particularly helpful aspect of TRA from a technology perspective is its assertion that any other factor that influences behavior does so only indirectly by influencing attitude and subjective norms. Such variables would include, amongst others things, the system design characteristics, user characteristics (including cognitive styles and other personality variables) and task characteristics. TRA is a very …show more content…

The limitations of the TRA led to the development of the TPB by Ajzen (1991) to predict behaviors where people have incomplete or low volitional control. The TPB accounts for factors outside individual control that may affect the development of intention and behavior. (1991) developed the theory of reasoned action through adding construct "perceived behavioral control" into the model as a determinant of behavioral intention and behavior, and called it as "theory of planned behavior". This social-psychological theory with regard to perceptions of performance control, attempts to predict involuntary behaviors, too. It determines the Impacts of three factors, i.e. "Attitude", “subjective norms” and "perceived behavior control" on tend to behave (Riivari, 2005). In fact, attitude is the general feeling of people about the desirability or undesirability of a particular issue or behavior (Ajzen, …show more content…

Both theories also assume that all other factors including demographics and environment operate through the model constructs and do not independently contribute to explaining the likelihood of performing behavior. In addition to attitudes and subjective norms which make up TRA, the TPB also added the concept of Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC). PBC was added to account for factors outside the individual’s control that may affect his or her