Explain The Abc Model Of Attitudes

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U1504647 This assignment will explore and critically evaluate how attitudes involve affective and emotional components. An attitude is a reltatively enduring organisation of beiefs, feelings andbehavioural tendancies towards socially siignifigance objects, groups, events and symbols” (Hogg & Vaughan, 2005, p.150). The word ‘attitude’ comes in three components and is represented by the ABC model of attitudes; A is for affective, B is for behavioural and C is for cognitive. The emotional reaction is known as the affective component and this is towards the attitude of an object, for example if an individual sees or thinks about a spider they become fearful. If an individual is asked specific questions for instance is there a god? An opinion on a subject or favourite …show more content…

For instances, some people may have mixed feelings regarding a person or issue. Regardless, attitudes are important in the field of psychology as it helps determine the things that people do, what people wear, what people eat, how people vote and so on. Every attitude has three components and this is represented through the ABC model of attitudes, and though every attitude has these components, these components can be based on one component to another. Each component can answer the question at hand. Attitude is based on affectively, behavioural and cognitive based attitudes. The affective component is an emotional reaction towards an object, this could be a spider, a spider is an attitude object and if a person sees a spider or thinks about a spider, the person feels fear and becomes anxious. The affective component is the only component with this specific attitude. Attitude is basically a hot button and it tends to be affectively based, as this comes from an individual’s values. This attitude expresses and validates a person’s value and moral belief