The Theme Of Amigo Brothers

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Ten years from now what do you plan on doing? Do any of your dreams revolve around your best friend that you consider a sibling? “Amigo Brothers” by Piri Thomas is about two seventeen-year-olds who live in Manhattan, New York, training to one day become lightweight boxing champions. Both boys are selected for the Golden Glove Championship to represent the Boys Club, but only one can win. Although both want to win, there’s a big problem. Felix and Antonio are way more than best friends; they consider each other brothers. The theme of “Amigo Brothers” is to not let your dreams interfere with your friendship. The author of this story develops the theme through dialogue with the actions that both Felix and Antonio make. A way the author develops the theme through dialogue is in paragraph 23 (page 414). In this paragraph Felix states, “‘It’s fair Tony. When we get into the ring it gotta be like we never met. We gotta be like two heavy strangers that want the same thing but only one can have it. You understand, don’tcha?’” This paragraph shows that although both boys share the same dream they won’t let it get in the way of their strong bond. …show more content…

In these paragraphs it states, “‘After the fight we can get it together like nothing ever happened.’”(Paragraph 31). This paragraph shows Felix proposing to his best friend, Antonio, that after the fight they continue being best friends and act like the fight never happened. In paragraph 32 it states, “The Amigo Brothers were not ashamed to hug each other tightly.” Showing the strong relationship Felix and Antonio have and aren’t afraid to show it. “‘Guess you’re right. Watch yourself Felix. I’ve heard there’s some pretty heavy dudes up in the Bronx. Suavecito okay?’” (paragraph 33). In this paragraph we see that Antonio agrees that after the fight they can leave it behind, in other words agreeing to keep the strong brotherly bond they