The Three Components Of Rhetorical Situation In Writing

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To make writing less of an endeavor but rather a medium for people who want to express themselves, a writer must be in accordance with the proper rhetorical situation in writing. Rhetorical Situation in Writing are the specific situations a writer must think about for them to appropriately send a message in which the circumstance necessitates. For example, when writing an essay regarding condemnation of war, the writer must consider the three rhetorical situations in writing in order for his/her reader to understand that he is against the acts of war rather than otherwise.In order to write a solid academic paper, a writer must consider three components of rhetorical situations in writing which are specific purpose, familiar audience, and focused …show more content…

There are three main purposes a writer can have in starting to write his academic paper which is to inform, educate and persuade. The purpose of informing is mostly used in research papers that are mostly detailed in all its chapter, educational purpose is utilized in papers that contain a summary of an overarching topic like brochure and the persuasive papers are mostly based on the opinion of the author in accordance with facts to fully convince the reader to side with her.These cannot overlap with each other and must only be used one at a time for they are used in different situations and in different kinds of academic paper. For instance, it is impossible to use the purpose to inform in a paper like pamphlets, which is an educational paper, due to the pamphlets summarizing nature and the detailed requirement when writing an informative paper. TO further illustrate the strict rule of the purpose in academic writing, in a news article, an informative paper, the journalist is prohibited by rules of journalistic ethics to express his own opinion, a persuasive purpose, due to ethics and the original purpose of a news article which is to inform the masses of the current events. A proper purpose is what drives an academic paper to clearly and concisely express its message whether it is to inform, persuade and educate to the