The True Causes Of World War II

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World War II What is World War II? It is precisely the war between the Axis and the Allies. Germany, Japan, Italy were the Axis pact. Great Britain, France, Russia, and the U.S. ( the U.S. joined the Allies packed when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. The war was known for its mass destruction and sequence of unhuman events. Millions of innocent people died because of perspectives and decisions being made at the time by the leaders of countries involved. The main overall causes to the war starting were: the Versailles Treaty, Appeasement Policy, the Great Depression, Antisemitism, Expansionism and Militarism. The war started when Germany attacked France, however the only conflict with that is the fact that Great Britain, France, and Germany signed on the Versailles Treaty so when Germany attacked France they were caught by surprise. Great Britain didn’t want to be next so they decided to declare war with Germany. Germany decided to fight war on his first front in the west, front is a fancy word for the line in which both opposing armies fight war. The second front was in the east against Great Britain and France. …show more content…

This treaty ended the state war between Germany and the so called Allied Powers. It was signed on the 28th of June in 1919. However the treaty did not last long, Hitler disapproved it because of the crippling territorial, military economic terms which Hitler blamed on politicians and promised to overturn himself. The Appeasement Policy were guidelines of conceding to aggression by a warlike nation. Britain and France followed this policy which directed them to giving Hitler everything he wanted in order to keep the peace in the