
The Unseen It Can Wait Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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AT&T’s Values and Beliefs: Using Distracted Driving to Get People to Join Their Company Who is a better driver - teenagers or adults? Who is more responsible while driving? Many people would say an adult, but that is not always the case. Most people get distracted at some point while they are driving, even if they do not admit it. It does not matter what age a person is, what gender he or she is, or what race they are, most of them have probably driven distracted. AT&T is the company who created “The Unseen - It Can Wait” ad that is about distracted driving, specifically, texting and driving. Most people consider this a sad, emotional commercial trying to get people to think about their actions so they will not text while driving, but there …show more content…

There is a little kid’s voice saying, “Do you want to answer that?” The man responds and says, “Nah I’d never with a kid in the car.” While all of this is going on there is music softly playing in the background. The kid answers the man and says “That’s okay, I’m not here” and then the music stops. When the man turns around he sees that the little boy is now not in his seat and he is gone. Another text message comes through on the man’s phone. This time, the man looks down and gets his phone to look at the message. Again, the little boy’s voice appears, and he says, “I’m there.” When the man looks up after hearing this, he sees the little boy on the road chasing after his soccer ball. Trying to stop, the man slams on the brakes as his tires squeal the man opens his mouth to yell. The little boy puts his arms up and the screen goes black. Two quotes pop up after the darkening of the screen. The quotes read, “You’re never alone on the road” and “Distracted driving is never …show more content…

When most people think of people who text and drive, they usually imagine teenagers, not ‘responsible’ adults or parents. However, AT&T targets the ‘responsible’ adults in their ad, “The Unseen - It Can Wait”. In AT&T’s ad, the main character is a male around 30 or 40 years old; therefore, he is not a young person. We imagine a careless teenager so this is significant because it is an adult, which we tend to believe adults are more responsible. Some people even say men are better drivers than women are. The main character being a man also shows that it does not matter who the person is if they are distracted, something bad can happen to them and it could affect another person’s life as

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