The Warnock Report

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This assignment aims to highlight which theories have influenced my practice in order to improve the learning of one child in my class with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). First I will write a brief account about the historical development of identifying and supporting children with SEND. Then I will describe the SEN policy in School X and how I have observed it in practice. Following this will be a brief literature of Global Development Delay from diagnosis to the ways in which professionals recommend the learning of children with Global Development Delay can be improved. A pen portrait of the Student (Student B) who has formed the focus on my study will follow. Then I will evaluate the support that Student B receives in a …show more content…

The Warnock Report (1978) and the 1981 Education Act are heralded as the cornerstones of a new modern era in SEN provision. The Warnock report was revolutionary in changing the language associated with learning difficulties. Terms such as ‘educationally subnormal’ and ‘backward’ were made redundant and a more positive outlook about children with learning difficulties was adopted. The report also marked the beginning of widespread inclusion of SEN children into mainstream schools. Another key recommendation found within The Warnock Report (1978) was that for children with more complex or serious needs should become the focus of more specialised support. In the 1981 Education act in England and Wales this kind of support is known as ‘a Statement of Special Educational Needs’. Warnock (1978) advised that children who required ‘a Statement of Special Educational Needs’ should not be categorised under the ‘ten categories of handicap’ clearly outlined in the 1944 Education Act. In contrast Warnock recognised that special educational needs worked on a continuum from ‘very severe’ to ‘comparatively mild’ and that categorising them could be potentially harmful. This caused people to view Special Educational Needs as multi-dimensional and not the fault of the child. The …show more content…

The Salamanca Statement (2004) promotes inclusive education and focusses on the integration of SEND children into mainstream education. Schools now must provide opportunities and facilities that respond to all children’s individual needs; this has resulted in the need for whole school inclusion in which human resources and funding are mapped out to meet the needs of all children including those with more profound needs. Schools were also challenged with creative inclusive, non- discriminative communities in which education could be achieved for all (UNESCO, 1994). The White Paper (2001) highlighted the changes that had occurred since 1978; no children were staying in long stay hospitals and the number of large scale institutions was dramatically reduced. There was also a marked increase in the amount of support in the community and the numbers of people with learning difficulties in work had increased also. The White Paper (2001) stated its focus on cultivating independence for all people with Special Needs and that all community provided services would be provided with the aim of increasing independence. In March 2011, a green paper of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities stated that “life chances for the approximately two million children and young people in England, identified as having a special educational need, or who are disabled, are