Theme Of Altruism In Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged

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“Ayn Rand rejects altruism, and her philosophy of Objectivism supports rational egoism.” (Suganya and Shanthi 4). In the short nonfiction story “Prometheus” by Evslin, Prometheus could be seen as kind and caring in one’s eyes. However, did he know what his actions would lead to? In the short informational text “Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged” by Suganya and Shanthi, Suganya and Shanthi analyze Ayn Rand’s definition of objectivism and altruism. The character of Prometheus in Evslin’s “Prometheus” and the analysis of Suganya and Shanthi best represent the ideology of Altruism.

On the first hand, in Evslin’s Prometheus, the reader can see that both objectivism and altruism are both shown. However, in the case of Prometheus the reader can see more examples of altruism rather than objectivism. for example. Prometheus says, “Look at him. Look below. He crouches in caves. He is at the mercy of beast and weather. He eats his meat raw. If you mean something by this, enlighten me with your wisdom. Tell me why you refuse to give man the gift of fire.” (Evslin 3) In this quote, it is evident to the reader that Prometheus is concerned about the human race and wants to help. …show more content…

Suganya and Shanthi analyze Ayn Rand’s belief in objectivism. However, Prometheus best fits into altruism. “The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake,