
Theme Of The Life You Save May Be Your Own By Flannery O Connor

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All great authors leave you hints when they are writing. Flannery O’Connor does just this in her short story “The Life you Save May be Your Own”. This story is a tale of adversity and letting people in. You can never really trust anyone but yourself. YOu can never really ‘s know someone else’s intentions. There will always be a way that someone can take advantage of you. Flannery O’Connor sets the reader up with hints in the title and the last lines of this story. She gives the reader just enough insight to what she was thinking to make the reader understand and connect to the story. There are three major characters in “The Life you Save May be Your Own” who Flannery O’Connor describes their fate.

Mrs. Crater is the first character in Flannery O'Connor's “The Life you Save May be Your Own” whose fate is described. The only thing Mrs. Crater really loved in this world was her daughter. As long as she had her, she would be fine. Mrs. Crater would protect her daughter with her life. Nobody or nothing was going to harm a hair on her daughter's head. O’Conner has Mrs. Crater say on page 1021, “And I wouldn’t let no man have her but you because I seen you would do right.” She trusted this man she barely knew with the most important thing in her life, her daughter. Then, he betrayed her. Mrs. Crater may never see …show more content…

When Flannery O’Connor first introduces the young lucynell, the reader envisions a child. Someone who is young and naive. Someone who can be taken advantage of. Then the reader realises that she is a deaf middle aged woman. She does not have the ability to hear or talk. She does however take a liking to the guest that is staying on their property. She trusts him and marries him. O’Connor says on page 1021, “Before he could dish up the food, she was snoring gently.” This would be the deciding factor that sealed her

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