Theory Of Reasoned Action

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Theoretical Framework
a. Theory of Reasoned Action
Regarding attitude and behavior, and the relationship between them, one of the most influential theories is Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) proposed by Ajzen&Fishbein (1980). According to TRA, user’s attitudes influence his/her behavior or action. If a student or teacher hold positive attitude toward using computer in the teaching and learning, he will seek different ways to incorporate technology in the classroom. Soon afterwards, relying on Theory of Reasoned Action, another attitude-behavior theory was proposed, called “Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)”.
b. Technology Acceptance Model
In 1989, Fred Davis developed the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explain user acceptance of information …show more content…

In this regard, several researchers have mentioned different factors. Sherry & Gibson (2002) point out to technological, individual, organizational, and institutional factors. Similarly, Neyland (2011) found that factors such as institutional support as well as micro factors such as teacher capability are influential factors in teacher’s technology integration. In the present research, the classification of Balanskat, Blamire&Kefalla (2007) is focused where factors such as teacher-level, school-level and system-level identified. On the teacher level, teacher’s feelings and attitude, computer literacy and perceptions of its effectiveness, creativity, preparedness, and motivation are important. Research has shown that teachers’ adoption and acceptance of technology in class is largely influenced by their attitudes (Huang &Liaw, 2005). Buabeng-Andoh (2012) emphasized that the ways in which teachers adopt and integrate computers into their teaching influence the use of CALL .On the school level, factors such as training, availability of facilities and principal support influence computer use. Gray (2001) believes that school administrators have a pivotal role in successful incorporation of technology in teachers’ classrooms. On the system level, education system, curricula, class hours and textbooks affect teachers’ use of …show more content…

Most of these demerits concern technology itself such as the high cost of preparing and producing materials, lack of sufficient hardware and software in schools and homes, and unfamiliarity of students and teachers with computers. Also, preparation of materials requires much time and effort and some teachers are not comfortable with reading from screen; they prefer to read from a printed