Analysis Of Albert Bandura's Self Efficacy Theory

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Bndura’s Theory 1.1 Self efficacy Self efficacy is a theory developed by Albert Bandura . Bandura in this theory explains that people beliefs play a fundamental role into their life .In other words, this theory can be explained as a person’s belief who is hopeful and confident about his skills in order to succeed. Self efficacy theory is related with cognitive process ,motivation and self regulation on human being .this theory has is related and has influence over fields of : Education, Psychology, Medicine etc. In his theory Bandura (1977) claim that “ self-efficacy affects an individual's choice of activities, effort, and persistence”. Which means that a person who has low self efficacy has more risk not to accomplish a …show more content…

Bandura, 1986 highlight self efficacy as one of the most important factor that promote success .He emphasize that self efficacy power is raised by success and lowered by failure and other factors ,but if self efficacy is strong ,well constructed and developed failure has no impact over it . In the other hand Schunk 1998 explain that self-efficacy its not the most important element that influence on the behavior . In order to achieve goals just having a high self efficacy is not going to help the a person to succeed if he does not have required skills or does not develop them . Self efficacy is also important in education in order to improve student motivation Salomon (1984) has found that self-efficacy is positively related to self-rated mental effort and achievement during students’ learning from text material that was perceived as difficult. So, firstly its important to convince yourself that you can do it . In an experiment which was developed by Bandura and Schunk found that students who had a high self efficacy and strongly belief in themselves ,were more successful on …show more content…

Self determination theory is concerned to explain human motivation and psychology .This theory claims that there are two main types of motivational sources :intristic and extristic and have a great impact on the way how different individuals perceive the same behavior .Self determination theory is related also with three universal needs which are : autonomy, competence and psychological relatedness. According to Ryan (1995) “self‐determination theory is an ‘organismic psychology’. One of a family of holistic psychological theories including Jean Piaget and Carl Rogers, and thus assumes that people are active organisms with inherent and deeply evolved tendencies toward psychological growth and development.” (Ryan,2009:1) Researches also highlight the importance that theory has on the psychological domain of human beings .For this reason they claim that Self Determination theory is like the field of study of the human beings tendencies to grow , their personality changes among the time and also to make the evidence of the basic needs that are related with their psychological development and which have a positively contribution on the improvement of different perspectives in their