
Theories Of Thomas Hobbes Social Contract

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Are human beings actions drive only by rational and self-interest, or they having another motivations? Thomas Hobbes an English philosopher explains the Social contract in an easy way; an actual or hypothetical agreement among the members of a society or a community and its ruler that defines and limits the rights and duties of each. (Merriam-Webster) The essence of contractarianism is “Actions are morally right just because they are permitted by rules that free, equal, and rational people would agree to live by, on the conditions that others obey these rules as well.”, which is originated as a political theory and later is developed into a moral theory. There are 2 principal assumptions, the first that we are motivated by self-interest (ethical …show more content…

“Fear”; try to defend yourself with the use of violence, and the last “Glory” defend your honor with violence. These causes of conflict are the ones that create what Hobbes called “State of Nature”. Hobbes also explains “the fool” type of person, this people are the people that break every link with the contract because they think that make this is beneficial to them. This people lives their lives freely, and they stick to contracts are their convenience, also the fools lives more closely to the state of nature. The state of nature is a state of war of all against all, in which the life of the man becomes solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and …show more content…

This city has violence, drugs, and gangs. Everybody lives in constant fear. Li´l Zé is a gangster that is the perfect example of Hobbes “fool”, because he makes things that benefit him and he does that by any means, but on the other hand there is Rocket a novice photographer that just wants to take photos and earn money in a good way. Rocket don’t follow the same steps of his friends the drugs, he start making money like a normal people, working in the market but he get fired and don’t earn any money, then he gets another job in the local newspaper delivering the newspaper. At this point rocket is working in the newspaper but he knows the gangs that are in the streets of the Favela selling drugs, in one way he have true pictures and information of the gangs, but on the other hand he have to be very cautious about the information and the places that he takes pictures, because in the middle of the confrontation Rocket take those pictures. One day the gang of Li´l Zé ask Rocket if he could take some pictures of the gang, he accept after the photoshoot, Rocket goes to the newspaper office and ask his teammate that if he could reveal the pictures and the boss said that it’s okay, but the problem come when Marina take the photos of the gang instead of the pictures that are the correct and make the newspaper. Rocket gets

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