Therry Mission Statement

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The mission of Fr John Therry is to educate children in the faith, values and traditions of the Catholic Church. Our core aim is to provide each child with the utmost teaching and learning opportunities to meet his or her individual needs. FJT’s school philosophy is based on the three key principles: Faith, Justice and Trust, with “students, staff and parents working together in partnership as we work, learn and pray” (FJT, 2016). Our mission statement is strongly supported through FJT’s school-wide vision for learning: ‘Empower Every Student.’ The vision of EMPOWERMENT is the keystone to FJT’s learning success. In our school community, we ensure that our educators reflect this vision in their teaching practices as “empowered learners” are motivated to aim higher and strive further to achieve; this enables each child to make connections that are relational, diverse, contemporary and adaptive, linking their …show more content…

It helps in our understanding about the life of Jesus Christ. In teaching this content strand, we are enabling students to explore the relationship between the Liturgy, the Christian story and their lives. As it is the season of Lent, we have set up a prayer table at the front of each classroom with signs and symbols that represents the Lent season. These symbols may vary but include a purple cloth, palm branches (this marks the triumphant entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem), a bowl filled with sand and rocks (symbolic of the desert) and a picture of Jesus in the desert. In our Religion lessons, the students are examining the season of Lent as a time to reflect on ways they can change and follow Jesus more closely through prayer, fasting and charity (Sydney Archdiocese, 2006). This is greatly supported through Gospel readings (John 12:12-15 & Isaiah 58:1-12) as well as the ‘To Know Worship and Love’ textbook, where they have been learning about how Jesus gave himself to