Thomas Edison Research Paper

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Thomas Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. Thomas Edison had a accident that cause him to be death or partially death when he was 12 years old. Thomas Edison barley attended school. He only had a few months of school. Thomas teacher taught him some school at home. But he usually went to the library to teach himself. Thomas Edison loved science and chemistry. He had his own chemistry set; he tried experiments over and over. Thomas Edison could take something apart and put it back to together and make it work better than it did before. When Thomas Edison was 11 he made his own telegraph machine. Thomas Edison wanted to send messages back and forth between his house and another house. He didn’t have power so he asked his mother and father for money but they didn’t have any money to give him. So Edison went to work on a train to earn the money by selling candy at the age of 15. Thomas ended up saving a young boys life, so happens the boy’s father was a telegraph operator. The telegraph operator wanted to reward Thomas Edison for saving his son. Edison asked the telegraph operator to teach him how to be a telegraph operator. Soon as Edison learned on how to be a telegraph operator he made it a useful skill. Edison got a job in Michigan. Then he traveled to New York and to Boston. He was soon board of just sending messages. So Edison wanted to find a way to find a way to improve the telegraph. Eventually, Edison invented a machine that wrote words instead or …show more content…

Edison also invented lots more like a mimeograph is a type of copying machine. Edison also discovered the movement of electrons in a vacuum. Thomas Edison made 1,000 inventions before he died. Edison left a drawing on his assistant’s desk. At the bottom of the page was a note that said make this. Then the telegraph was made. It was a cd player back then. The phonograph was a huge