Thoreau's View Of Civil Disobedience

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“Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau, was written in 1846 because he was enraged about being put in jail over not paying his taxes. Thoreau did not support the southern government and slavery therefore he did not feel as if he should pay taxes. He did not agree with the war with Mexico and he felt as if it would only give southern states more power and more southern “slave” states. In jail alone and having time to think, Henry David Thoreau, wrote this essay on his experiences and beliefs. Henry David Thoreau believes in a small government, and a government that governs less, is better than one that governs more, as stated in line 1 of the first paragraph. He, after being thrown in jail, believes that a government that does not govern at all, is better that one that governs a small amount. In the eyes of Thoreau the best government, is the type that does not govern at all. As stated in lines 3-4 of the first paragraph. He believes that some people use the government as a tool, such as gaining more land like what was done in the Mexican-American War. The US government and especially of the south …show more content…

He did not pay taxes because he did not support the Mexican-American war and for that reason he got thrown in jail. He states that the government should not have the power to throw someone in jail for refusing to do something that goes against his moral values. In paragraph 8 line 1, Thoreau Explains that any man has the right, under the constitution, to refuse/resist the government. If there is a law going against someone's values, he believes it is their right to be able to have ‘civil disobedience’. Civil Disobedience should be a right to anyone as an act of resisting the government. He believes that the government is there to protect us and our government but when we do not do what they ask they come take us and our property away according to