Thought My Star Wars Literary Analysis

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Thought my Star Wars literary analysis I have made various changes. Some changes were in sentence structure, grammar and fluency. The first major change was the introduction paragraph. In this paragraph, I rearranged the sentences. Rearranging sentences helped the paragraph flow better. It also helped me remove the overuse of the word ‘the’ in the beginning of the sentence. Overusing words can cause a writing to sound boring. I then removed information from sentences that were too long. Some examples of sentences I shortened are “That is until he falls in love with Padme and becomes Darth Vader trying to protect Padme and his mom.” “He then has to fight Darth Vader and he finds out that he is his father.” and ”Many girls were happy to see Rey as a hero because more girls have reason to relate to star wars and little girls have a feminine hero to look up to.” When a sentence is too long, it can be …show more content…

One problem I had with my grammar was name capitalizations. An example of this was when I wrote ‘Star Wars’. I was not consistent and it was only capitalized sometime. Another grammar issue I had was the use of commas. In some sentences like “It is a good thing to see gender and race changes because we are in a new era, but since it was all white males for so many years it seems like the characters don’t fit into the series yet.” I removed the comma and made two sentences. I made this change because the sentence was too long. In other sentences such as “As society evolved, the producers also tried to evolve Star Wars.” I added a comma to improve the understanding of the sentence. In the grammar, I also changed the use of past tense and present tense. An example of a sentence I changed was “One of the main characters we first saw is Anakin.” Instead I wrote “One of the main characters we first saw was Anakin.” Making this change helped the sentence consistency as well. Consistency should always be kept so that it is easier to