Cause Of Ww2 Analysis

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While analysing the causes of WW1 (also known as the Great War) and WW2 (known as the Second World War). Three causes did stand out, those three causes were applicable to WW1 and WW2, they differed in certain ways but were all really important and maybe the most important ones.

The first one would be Nationalism. Nationalism would be define as the feeling of sharing the same cultural heritage , the same language, sometimes the same religion and the same historical past, resulting in a great pride. Extreme nationalism can push people to believe they are the only ones with the right to live in a certain territory. Nationalism led European countries to expand their empire by invading other countries to access natural resources. The bigger …show more content…

In 1871, no military alliance between European countries had been made. The first alliances, were the 1879 Double Alliance and the Triple Alliance (Triple Alliance) in 1882. However, the German support for the Austro-Hungarian empire in the Balkan crisis led to the signing in 1894 of a Franco-Russian military alliance, in the possible event of a war with a State signatory of the Triple Alliance, was to lead to military cooperation between France and Russia. The purpose of this alliance was also to oppose the German ambitions.
These alliances have led to the development of military plans in 1905, General von Schlieffen proposed a plan that involved a quick attack on France to later send all troops to the Russian front. The Russian army had however planned a quick invasion of Austria-Hungary, and were prepared to attack in case of a war.
The only nation that was outside of these alliances was Britain. However, the naval rivalry of Germany, which was threatening Russia, France and Britain urged the British government to come out of its isolation. The Entente Cordiale, signed between France and Britain in 1904 allowed the two countries to settle colonial disputes in Africa and Asia. It was not a military alliance contrary to what Kaiser Wilhelm II …show more content…

In 1923, Germany does not want to pay for repairs. This leads to the occupation of the Ruhr (large German industrial region), by the French and thus the collapse of the German currency. It follows a crisis that led to the ruin of investors (bank accounts are worthless ...). To resolve this crisis, the Allied Powers (France, the United States, Russia and England.) Decreases the amount of repairs and US banks place large sums in Germany. Between 1924 and 1929, growth and prosperity resume. The Germans begin to trust them. In 1929 comes the "Wall Street crash" that drives the US capital withdrawal of Germany and thus eventually a new economic and social crisis. It is very strong and very deep. In 1932, the maximum point of the crisis is reached. There are about 6 million unemployed (33% of the population.) In Germany. Many small businesses go bankrupt. The middle class, the petty bourgeoisie are badly affected by the crisis. Many people have no income, no housing. Industrial production is halted consumption loans are not repaid to the banks. There is a devaluation of the Reich mark. In addition to this, Germany must pay reparations imposed by the "diktat" of Versailles at that time, Germany is at the lowest they have ever been and blame the allies for