In the beginning of the story "Three Girls" that was written by Joyce Carol Oates, is an interesting story to read. There are different, interesting plot and twisted in the story, that talks about two girls, who are in adulthood. Who are also, are poets and interesting in Marilyn Monroe. The story take place, on Broadway on a snowy day in March, in the year 1956. The story is not just all about, Marilyn Monroe, but "Who is Marilyn Monroe." The story is not about, Marilyn Monroe keeping secrets nor telling lies. The story was about two girls, who were not named in the story, that who was poets and the girls had passion for on another. The two girls wanted to build a relationship between one another because, they both have feeling for each other. They also, had a passion relationship for Marilyn Monroe also. Marilyn Monroe, is a model, actress, and is like a sex symbol. The reason why, because of Marilyn Monroe appearance and the way she carries herself. Marilyn Monroe, was interested in …show more content…
The conflict were, the two girls seen Marilyn Monroe, in a book story on Broadway in 1956. The book store was called, Strand Used Books, on Broadway. The two girls, was very in shocked when they say Marilyn Monroe in the bookstore. The two girls, was thinking about approaching, Marilyn Monroe. On the other-hand, the girls did not wanted to make it obviously and revealed, Marilyn Monroe identity in the book store. Marilyn Monroe, was interesting in reading books, just like the girls. They could not believe it was her, as it quoted in paragraph 9. It’s says, "Here was the surprise: this women was/was not Marilyn Monroe. For this woman was an individual wholly absorbed in selecting, leafing through, pausing to read books. You could see that this individual was a reader." So, the two girls, feels like Marilyn Monroe are interesting in books; they take upon themselves and approach Marilyn