Tide's Renewable Energy Is Affected By Tidal Energy

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Tides go in and out twice a day so they’re reliable and easy to predict. Tidal Energy is a type of way to generate power since it’s a energy resource. Tidal Energy is a type of hydroelectric energy which uses the energy from tides into other forms of power. Tides are created by the gravitational effect of the sun and moon on the earth causing repeated movements of the seas. Tidal energy should become our future energy resource because tides are easy to predict, it’s renewable, and it doesn’t produce gas or radiation.
Basically there are three ways to control tidal power. Tidal turbines, tidal barrages, and tidal lagoons. Tidal turbines use similar technology to wind turbines. Tidal turbines have shorter and stronger blades. The water …show more content…

Tides don’t affect or get affected by climate change. They are a result of the gravitation pull of the Sun and Moon. Tidal energy is also better than fossil fuels not only because it’s renewable, because tidal energy have positive environmental impact. Tidal energy is possible to be our future energy system even though it is not yet fully developed or used a lot. Tidal energy should become one of our future energy resources because tides are easy to predict, it’s renewable, and it doesn’t produce gas or radiation. It might not affect the population of humans, but older tidal barrage technology might destroy some fish …show more content…

If tidal energy becomes an important source of energy, there will be less need for heavy foreign fuel import which takes time and a lot of money. Tidal energy has to potential to power 15 million homes. It can also create about 16,000 jobs in the UK.
According to a sustainable specialist, Mia Henderson, and The Texas Electricity Providers, they think it would be hard for tidal power to complete since the prices offered by the traditional electric companies (coal, oil, and natural gas) are high. Thanks to the scientists, costs are coming down. The scientists made a shift toward more efficient underwater turbines. Plus, power generators are finding ways to protect fish by placing tidal barrages farther out in the water, where there are less of a risk to marine life.
I think, since our technology is not advanced enough to develop tidal energy, tidal energy is not yet used as a source of energy. Other than that, materials to build power generators for tidal energy cost a big amount of money. While building the generators, we also must figure out where to place so it won’t affect marine