
Tim Berners Lee Research Paper

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Tim Berners-Lee was born on June 8, 1955, and born in London, England. As a child he had no siblings growing up. He attended school at Emanuel elementary school. There his school was located in between two railroad tracks, in school it was very noisy and hard for him to concentrate on work as a child. Then growing up in school he became interested in trains. Soon after he loved trains, he played with model trains and had train tracks set up all around his room. He attempted to make electronic gadgets for the trains he owned. After creating gadgets for the trains, he became more interested in electronics than trains. His parents both were working on very early computers when they first met. Later on, his mother taught him maths. His mom taught …show more content…

Tim Berners Lee invented the WWW also known as the World Wide Web. This is his most used invention he has created. The web was invented in 1989. The World Wide Web was invented for military uses at first, now it is simply used for entertainment and to use information. People have now created apps on the web and is currently still growing. The web is used every second of the day, so many people use the internet. Almost every job that people use every day use some type of device to access the internet or just simply use technology pieces . Schools even use the internet to learn ,some classes in school concentrate so much in technology that, the whole class is based on that subject. As as result, we use the internet so much this is why it is known to be one of the greatest inventions ever created. Another great invention of Tim Berners-Lee, is the Web browser. The web browser is a software program that allows you to find a read encoded . He invented this in the same year as when he invented the WWW , in 1989. When you use the web browser you can also access information hosted on the web servers in private networks. An example of a web browser, is a software program that you use to search for, to reach and explore websites, a program for spreadsheets, a program to write documents, a browser that is a program for internet exploring. Tim also invented the Html {Hypertext Markup Language}, this is a standard system markup language for creating web pages and web applications. This system was invented in the same years as his other two inventions,in 1989. He also invented the HTTP {hypertext transfer protocal} this system is an application protocal for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information system. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is a structured text that uses logical links {hyperlinks} between codes containing text. HTTP is a protocal to exchange transfer hypertext. These

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