Cinematic Techniques In Tim Burton's Films

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How you ever wondered why Tim Burton's films are always a fan favorite for everyone? Tim Burton uses cinematic techniques to create a mood and tone for the audience of any age to enjoy. Springboard informs the audience in their biography that Tim Burton is wickedly funny, grotesquely, humorous they claim that Tim Burton's films influenced his imagination and cinematic style. Tim Burton used his idol Roald Dahl stories to create Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Burton uses his influence to make the perfect blend element. Tim Burton also used his idol Vincent Price to make his first film Vincent and finally, he uses these elements so anyone can enjoy the classic children's literature. Tim Burton uses cinematic techniques to create a mood and tone for the audience of any age to enjoy. …show more content…

For example, in Edward Scissorhands, he used many cinematic techniques to show the mood of the film. In Edward Scissorshand, Edward was different from everyone because he wore black and dark colors and he also had scissor as hands because that is what his inventor gave him. Edward's hair showed his character. Tim Burton used over the shoulder shots to show how mean and scary the characters were and how they ganged up on the unusual looking family that took Edward in as their own. In the intro to the movie, there was creepy, intense music to show how Edward made the gossip club feel. Burton made all the house, wives, and cars look alike to give us a feel how Edward made the town feel different because he was different from everyone else in the town so when they got to know Edward they knew it was okay to be different in your own way. He used most of these cinematic techniques in other movies like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Frankeweenie, and Vincent. He used cinematic techniques to create an intense and interesting