
Tim Hortons Report

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Written Report: Tim Horton’s DRAFT Jonathan E. Zul Luna Faculty of Business, University of Prince Edward Island BUS1040-03: Marketing Professor Jennifer Lawton March 31, 2023 Contents 1. Introduction: 4 2. Core Marketing Concepts 5 2.1 Markets and Target Market Segments: 5 2.2 Customer Profile: 6 2.3 Needs, Wants and Demands: 6 3. Marketing Environment: 7 3.1 Demographic Forces 7 3.2 Regulatory Forces 7 3.3 Competitive Forces 7 3.4 Technological Forces 8 3.5 Economic Forces 8 3.6 Socio-cultural Forces 8 4. The Marketing Mix: 8 4.1 Product: 9 4.2 Price: 10 4.3 Place: 10 4.4 Promotion: 11 5. Conclusion: 12 6. Reference List (APA): 13 Written Report: Tim Horton’s 1. Introduction: Tim Hortons, colloquially known as Tim’s or Timmies, …show more content…

Discussing core marketing concepts, such as markets, customer profiles, and the needs and wants of those mentioned above, will be an essential part of this paper. Aside from this, the marketing environment in which Tim Hortons has developed will also be examined. Lastly, this document will investigate the use of what is known as the Marketing Mix– Product, Price, Place, and Promotion– and its importance for the company's success. 2. Core Marketing Concepts 2.1 Markets and Target Market Segments: A market is a group of people interested in buying an organization's product, service, or idea. This fundamental concept is used to segment a population into groups with common characteristics. These categorical divisions are helpful for companies to decide on who their target market, the group to which they will emphasize the selling of their products to, should be. To segment its market, Tim Hortons takes the following aspects into consideration: • Demographic factors: Target age groups and family structures, as well as income level and education levels. • Geographic factors: Divide markets based into regions. This helps the company to plan the location of their …show more content…

4.3 Place: Tim Hortons operates in both virtual and physical environments. Physical locations include standalone locations, drive-thru locations, in-store within other retail stores, such as gas stations and supermarkets, kiosks and food trucks, and pop-up locations including seasonal locations and mobile units. Additionally, customers can order products online using Tim Hortons mobile app or website, as well as using third-party delivery services. The channel of distribution is direct, meaning that Tim Hortons sells its products directly to customers through its own locations. This feature allows the company to have complete control over their products, their quality, and their customer experience. Lastly, logistics are essential for the brand’s operations, ensuring the quality and freshness of its products. The company has developed a very efficient supply chain and distribution network that allows them to easily move products from suppliers to the restaurant’s

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