
To Kill A Mockingbird Boo Radley Character Traits

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“Goodness is about character - integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people.”- Dennis Prager. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Mockingbirds are described as innocent creatures that do kind things for others without any expectation of self benefit. Boo Radley is a true Mockingbird. He is different then other people and has suffered because of it. However, he continues to try to be kind to others. He lives in Maycomb Alabama, a small town full of small people who are not comfortable with those who don’t fit in. They are afraid of Boo because his father keeps him locked up at home. This isolation causes the town to fear Boo and create rumors and misunderstandings …show more content…

At night Scout, Dill and Jem sneak into Boo’s yard to look in his window. While they are outside his house the dark figure of Boo appears in front of them. Scout, Dill and Jem are terrified and run away. As Jem climbs under the schoolyard fence and his pants get caught and he is forced to leave them behind. When they get back home Atticus asks Jem where his pants are. Dill tells him that they had been playing strip poker and that he won them from him. Atticus tells Jem to retrieve his pants from Dill’s house. Despite Scout's protests, later that night Jem sneaks out of the house to get his pants from Boo's house. When Jem returns he is shaken. Instead of finding his pants tangled in the fence as he had left them, he finds them neatly folded. Where the pants were once ripped they had been sown back together. He tells Scout that “They’d been sewed up. Not like a lady sewed ‘em, like somethin’ I’d try to do,”(pg. 78). The pants were sown by Boo Radley. Like any Mockingbird, Boo is a caring person and he doesn't expect anything in return. Most people would ask for payment for mending the pants, however, Boo goes on with his life without so much as thinking of asking for something in return. Everyday Boo has to put up with everyone in the town hating him. Instead of hating them back he understands and keeps to himself. Boo try's his hardest to be good to the people who are the worst to him. This makes him …show more content…

On Halloween night Jem and Scout were walking through the woods from school to home. While they are walking they hear someone else’s footsteps following them. When they stopped a man attacked them, knocking Scout over. The man proceeds to try to kill Jem and Scout until another man arrives. Scout doesn’t get a good look but after a few minutes of crashing around it’s silent beside the sound of a wheezing man. Scout can’t hear Jem anywhere. When Scout gets herself off the ground she looks out at the road and see’s a man staggering down the road towards her house. “The man was a walking with staccato steps from someone carrying something too heavy for him”…“He was carrying Jem,”(pg.352). The man carrying Jem was Boo Radley. When Scout gets back home she discovers that the man attacking them was Bob Ewell. She also finds out that Boo had saved them. Boo risked his life to protect Jem and Scout and she realises that. Boo is nothing like the evil man she was told of. He is brave and selfless. Boo helps them out of the kindness of his heart not because he wants acceptance but because he cares about Jem and Scout as if they were his own children. He watched them grow up and they are the closest thing he has to friends. Boo is a Mockingbird because he looks out for Jem and Scout and risked his life to save

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