To Kill A Mockingbird Book Vs Movie Essay

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To Kill a Mockingbird is both a novel and a movie, the movie being based off the book. There are many differences between the novel and the movie but they are still similar in the basic plot. Scout’s most forming memories were excluded so the audience was not able to relate as they would in the novel. Important characters like Miss Maudie and Calpurnia are excluded. Scout’s narration is excluded by the director. The movie is focused on Jem and Atticus, instead of Scout like in the novel. The novel and the movie differed but the movie included the main points of the novel.
Miss Maudie and Calpurnia act as surrogate mothers of Scout and Jem throughout the novel. Without a present mother, Scout and Jem depend solely on Atticus, Miss Maudie, and Calpurnia. The movie excludes Miss Maudie and Calpurnia with the children acting as the maternal figures in their childhood. Although Miss Maudie and Calpurnia have different roles as maternal figures, they both teach the children important lessons. Miss Maudie shows Scout the hypocrisy of white Christian women and Calpurnia shows Scout and Jem how to treat other people and empathy. The two women make the audience remember their own role models and leave them with a …show more content…

The lack of Scout’s narration weakened the impact of the movie because of her changing experiences, memories, and ideas. The movie focused around Jem and his growth into a man instead of Scout’s growth into a young lady. The movie’s audience did not get the opportunity to see Scout’s hints of feminism and her views of other women. Innocence was a main idea of the novel and the movie completely missed the need to perserve Scout’s innocence. Without Scout’s memories, such as her teacher’s prejudice of African American people, the audience is left without the impact of the horrible speech Scout had to listen to as a child. The director’s cut of Scout’s narration severely injured the audience’s opinion of all the things Scout had to endure as a young