To Kill A Mockingbird Good Vs Evil Analysis

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“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.” When people try to conform to society’s views causing there to be a struggle to do what is ethically right. There is the fuzzy line between being evil or good because one way is what will be approved whether it is evil or not. Some people are just following the blind because of the fear of disapproval and the shame they will receive for doing what is not the norm or acceptable for the society around them. That is the true evil of our people they will pick and choose what is evil and good based on the approval of others rather than what is ethically right. The fuzzy line of evil and good because of approval is what shapes and influences Mayella, Ruby, and Victoria to become victims and accusers. Society shapes and …show more content…

Mayella was raped and beat and that is very clear. The one who did these acts was her father, and it is brought up in the court. The evidence clearly points towards Bob Ewells, and this is where society plays a huge role in forming Mayella into an accuser. Maycomb’s society had the mentality of that “no way can a white man do such an act, it must have been a black”. This mentality plays a big part because this affects Mayella in away because she can’t accuse her father because no one would protect or believe her when a black man is a situation. Mayella has to accuse Tom because of fear of her father’s beatings. Society won’t interfere the ‘’family’’ but if it is the accusation of black man harming a white woman, then off to the electric chair. She has to follow what her dads say because she wants to protect her family and herself. If Mayella would’ve defended Tom and said, he didn’t do it then she would have been bashed and treated worst then she already was by her father and society. Between the fear of society and of her father this all shaped Mayella into an