To Kill A Mockingbird Research Paper

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“To deny people their human rights is to deny their very humanity”-Nelson Mandela. In the short story “To Kill a Mockingbird” this issue is addressed with the trial of Tom Robinson. Although Augustus did everything he could in order for Tom to win the trial, the jury was simply blinded by his color. The quote by “Nelson Mandela” is a great example of the situation. Everyone has their limit and Tom Robinson certainly broke his, Tom ran since he couldn’t stand the pure ignorance others had over him. He wasn’t considered more than a diseased hog all thanks to the shade of his skin. After your betrayed by who you give yet don't receive would be infuriating. The neglect of his rights brought him to the end of his rope. By comparing “To Kill a Mockingbird …show more content…

They're ugly, but those are the facts of life.”-Augustus.
The Jim Crow law which shaped society was an unethical wall many men constantly referred to. This blinded society into many false trials, accusations or even organizations devoted to enforcing this law such as the KKK. "It's Tessie," Mr. Summers said, and his voice was hushed. Show us her paper Bill. Bill Hutchinson went over to his wife and forced the slip of paper out of her hand. It had a black spot on it, the black spot Mr. Summers had made the night before with the heavy pencil in the coal company office. Bill Hutchinson held it up, and there was a stir in the crowd.
”No one hated Tessie enough to kill her, let alone give her a brutal death. At the point on which the townsfolk seen the marked paper they immediately tossed her character aside and reached for stones. Although the two stories both exhort racism, the causes are very different. In “To Kill a MockingBird” the trial is caused by simply because of the jim crow law. While in “The Lottery” it's because Tesse lost the bet. The annual lottery represents the random chance you are born with what you are. “To Kill a Mockingbird” has a better grip on society with men such as Agustus. In the story “The Lottery” a dismal change such as a different box is very important with tradition. If the townsfolk from “The Lottery” are this caught up on tradition, there is very little