To What Extent Is Teddy Roosevelt A Statesman

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What is it to become a real statesman? Through a powerful speech and the events preceding and following it, statesmen show us how they grappled with conflicting values, varying demands, and the uncertainties of trying to forge a good society.hey are skilled, experienced, and respected political leaders or figures. A statesman leads. Teddy Roosevelt is the best example of a statesman because he was a firm believer that always fought for the rights of the people. He had the government control over the economy, gave the Interstate Commerce Commission new powers to control the railroad rates which resulted in the foundation for the modern administrative state, gave birth to the conservation movement, and worked on making a good defense system for the nation. President Roosevelt was an exciting man no matter who you were. He was very energetic, he constantly was reading books, and thinking on how to make a change. Roosevelt was a shrewd politician. He knew that politicians were driven by personality but uses his strong personality to get what he wanted. It won him many supporters. He thought the greatest evil was too much power in the hands of corporate America or the Industrialists. Five months into office Roosevelt took a head with JP. Morgan, the great Industrialist. Teddy Roosevelt began suing him and …show more content…

Roosevelt more than anybody believed that America needed a canal so he found a six mile wide strip across the Isthmus of Panama. A treaty was ratified between Columbia and the United States in March. But the only problem was that the price didn’t meet Columbian’s expectations so the treaty was turned down. Roosevelt then took extreme measures. He backed a local revolution and helped create the nation of Panama in exchange to create a canal there. The Nashville entered Colon harbor and Panama finally declared its independence which led to the treaty of The Hay - Banaue