
To What Extent Is To Kill A Mockingbird Relevant Today

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Do you think To Kill a Mockingbird is still a relevant novel in today’s world? Some kids walking home encounter kind and friendly people, and some meet rude people and harassment. All of this is because of the color of someone's skin, this is something that we may think that is not happening in our society today, but it very much is. In To Kill a Mockingbird it talks about things that are very similar and relevant in our society today.

To Kill a Mockingbird is a good book to teach in today’s society because it teaches and shows us the discrimination if the world now and helps us realize how wrong it is. It helps us see how prejudiced people are and how they attack people of color because of how they look. It helps us to realize the mistakes …show more content…

All the people in the town believed that he was guilty because of the color of his skin and the person who accused him was white. The discrimination shown in this is showing that we shouldn’t judge someone so quickly and believe what others say because of how that person looks. We should give them time to explain themselves and there to be proven that what they did was true.

The color of Tom Robinson’s skin was why he lost the court case. The juries came out and they looked like they didn’t want to say he was guilty because all of the evidence proved he was innocent. The reason they said he was guilty was that it would have looked like they were favoriting him. If Tom was white the court case may have gone differently or not even happened at all. The discrimination towards Tom because of his skin color was not okay and things like this happen all the time in our world and will continue to happen if we don’t do anything about it.

The book To Kill a Mockingbird shows us many things about racism, discrimination, and prejudice, but it should also help us to learn from our mistakes and show what things we have done wrong and help us to not make these same mistakes later on. The things that happen in this book are good lessons that the world we live in now needs to witness. The book very much should still be taught in school today and is still extremely relevant in today’s

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