
Tomb Sonata In Three Military Movement Analysis

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Contemporary art is a style of art that originated around the mid-late 20th century. The J. Paul Getty Museum website defines contemporary artists as “. . .like many artists that preceded them, may acknowledge and find inspiration in artworks from previous time periods in both subject matter and formal elements” (About Contemporary Art, par. 4). This comment on contemporary artists reveals that they are not creating art inspired by just one style movement or area of the world, rather they gather inspiration from almost any previous time period or culture. Many contemporary artists have taken inspiration from ancient art to deliver a specific message to their viewers, this gives contemporary artists the chance to be very unique, and to present …show more content…

The painting is filled with people, animals, and bright colors. There appears to be lines of men, a few women, and animals all marching towards each other from opposite directions. The left half of the painting has a large woman squatting down in modern dress, while multiple smaller men march forward, as if heading into battle. Some men only wear underwear, and others are dressed in military gear and are accompanied by weapons or different forms of military transportation. Beneath the men are two lions and an ox with a hat or crown, facing their opponents. Like many Ancient Egyptian art pieces, there is a display of power through hieratic scale, many figures are displayed as larger than others, to make them appear stronger and more powerful. While the canon of proportions is not used in this art piece, the painting does resemble the “Audience Hall of Darius and Xerxes” from 518-460 B.C.E. Iran. The “Audience Hall of Darius and Xerxes” is carved in relief and consists of hundreds of people all walking in the same direction in partial profile. Many of the people carved looked different since they were from different empires, all walking towards King Darius. In the contemporary art, “Tomb Sonata in Three Military Movements”, the people and animals are not all walking towards a king, but rather walking towards a battle, which is …show more content…

The woman does not stand upright, and instead has her knees slightly bent as she fixes her hair, intending to give her a realistic and “natural” pose. It is clear that the sculpture is made to represent Ancient Greek art based on the ideologies of Late Classical Greece. Sculptors from Late Classical Greece focused on making art that depicted the ideal beauty and had a sense of “naturalism”, meaning the bodies were not stiff, but in a more comfortable, natural pose. Also similar to Late Classical Greek art, “Dissect” appears to be made of marble, however upon closer inspection, the viewer may notice the sculpture is actually made of fiberglass and is filled with bits of urethane and garbage. At first glance of the sculpture “Dissect”, you will notice it is horizontally cut into fourteen equal parts. When the parts are lined up to appear as a whole statue, the viewer is able to see the Ancient Greek influence through the woman’s beauty and so-called “natural form”. After rotating multiple pieces of the art, the statue becomes distorted, and the urethane and garbage that makes up the sculpture, becomes visible. Once rotated, the statue no longer resembles the ideal beauty that was once present, and instead reveals distortion and waste that is found within. One interpretation of this art piece could be that the

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