Toms Core Values

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Having a strong set of core values helps a company define their identity, provides employees principles to base their decisions on and shapes the culture of the company. A values-based ethic culture approach…defines the core values of the firm and how customers and employees should be treated. The focus of this type of corporate culture is on values such as trust, transparency, and respect to help employees identify and deal with ethical issues. (Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell, 2015, p. 191). Facing the challenges and ethical dilemmas of doing business today, TOMS needs to proceed with a set of core values that supports its mission statement and ensures its people represent it well. I purpose that TOMS adopt the following set of core values …show more content…

Critics have suggested that TOMS does not make an impact on poverty as the donation of shoes does little to improve the overall situation for people living in poverty. Some have gone as far to say that TOMS giving actually encourages dependence on foreign aid. In response to these allegations, TOMS modified the way they provide assistance. First, they pledged to stay connected to the communities they help by following the children and giving them shoes throughout their youth. Children grow quickly, a single pair of shoes may last a year, but providing replacement shoes when the current pair wears out, made an impact on the lives of children in need of shoes for school and safe play. Second, TOMS set up local manufacturing of shoes that it would later donate in that region. Shoes destined for needy children in Honduras were made in Honduras adding jobs and income to the local economy. Following this path, the next step would be to transition manufacturing all the shoes TOMS sells to developing countries, creating jobs and a means for people to earn a living and climb out of poverty. We support sustainability, reminds employees that TOMS is dedicated to creating an ongoing benefit to the communities it helps and to have a long-term perspective on their …show more content…

Treating their suppliers fairly means that these companies will be willing to offer the best prices on shoe components. Foreign manufacturing centers have a shared interest in TOMS success as it means they will continue to receive shoe orders to fill encouraging them to produce quality shoes. Charities that help TOMS coordinate and deliver their donations, ensure that shoes are given to those in great need. Furthermore, with every shoe purchase, TOMS is partnering with the customer to donate a pair of shoes. “There may be no straighter, broader road to the most productive sort of empowerment sought after by businesses today than the practice of collaborative partnership, with all its attendant motivational force” (Morris, p. 64). By collaborating with these groups TOMS increase their power to reach goals and all groups benefit. We cultivate partnerships, reminds employees that to do great things, you have to work together, build off of each other’s strengths and treat each other with