Transformational Leadership Theory Paper

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To undergo competition and to ensure sustainability as well as safe delivery of care, it is imperative for nurse leaders to adopt practices that foster high-quality functioning in their teams. The goal of this paper is to discuss the doctrine of transformational leadership theory and how it has evolved over time. Also, the writer will discourse the principles applicability in her leadership journey and Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarly study of leadership. Furthermore, the author will establish ways to incorporate this newfound information to enhance her current leadership style.

Transformational leadership has undergone testing in a diversity of work settings over the past thirty-eight years and has been the focus of various studies in the nursing field. Transformational leadership theory was developed by Burns …show more content…

First, develop own capacity for transformational thinking. Likewise, ensure distinct prioritization for writer’s own contributions as well as the company. Also, convene and facilitate conversations that open opportunities and a plan for required vital actions. In addition, the author can create relationships with team members by building trust and sustained connection. Moreover, constantly demonstrate morality, genuineness, and personal integrity. Similarly, keep promises to all members involve.
Correspondingly, transformational leadership theory can be germane to the Doctor of Nursing Practice scholarly study, because the author will demonstrate respect for others’ perceptions, learning style, and personal being. Not to mention, manages self and own reactivity to lead with awareness and equability. Equally important, accept accountability for making a difference in others’ live. In like manner, to continue motivation, the author will practice what she loves to do and ensure that her values are aligned with the