Transformational Leadership In The Workplace

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In any organization, the diversity in terms of the needs of the employees is varied. Each follower or group member has specific needs and desires. The degree of the diversity in the organization depends on the motivational factors that motivate that employee. A good instance is whereby some of the employees are motivated by money while others are motivated by the change and new experience. In terms of the individualized consideration, it is up to the transformational leader to ensure that they recognize the needs of such individuals and or determine the various factors that inspire and motivate the employees. There are many instances that the leader can implement the individualized consideration to their employees. These ways can include showing …show more content…

In a study conducted by Jae (2014), there is enough evidence to suggest that transformational leadership is the focal point and is an effective tool for bringing about the best team behaviour and improvements in the teamwork environment. Rendering to the situational theory, diverse team conditions require a different quality of leadership behaviour from the frontrunners. As a consequence, the condition of a team may impact the quality of the leadership style and in this instance, transformational leadership, of the leader. Moreover, worthwhile behaviour and remarkable work outcomes from team members are always looked for, but in most instances, they do not always occur. Individuals normally reply well only to proper leadership styles and behavior. The paramount style would lead the team members to work commendably. As a result, diverse qualities of leadership style (transformational leadership) may bring diverse levels of team behaviour in the …show more content…

A recent study conducted by Chia-Huei and Zhen (2015, p. 12) shows that team values is one empowering condition. In that study, team collectivism as well as team power had a considerable influence on employees’ reactions to transformational leadership. Most previous researchers that have found an association between team behaviour and transformational leadership were done in military environments, where the predominant values are team oriented and categorized (reflecting high power distance). (Zawawi and Nasurdin, 2015, p. 23).
4.2 Importance of team values
Looking at the team values and transformational leadership, we can see that both exerts results, which proposes that team behaviours and values temperate the consequences of transformational leadership on team behaviour, thus suggesting that motivated leaders might want to infuse respect for their power , without ignoring team members’ needs and recommendations.
It’s a premature idea to decide that leaders should keep a level of power distance from their junior in order to encourage compliance and respect. (Gundersen et al.2013,p. 16) The fact the juniors will be unwilling to disagree with the transformational leaders, in the long run, could lead to the loss of important ideas that the transformational leaders mostly