Transformational Leadership Theory Paper

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Two different electronic medication ordering systems are used in a local hospital, the Emergency department (ED) uses the Emergency Department WEB (EDWEB) and the Inpatient team uses the Electronic Inpatient Medication Record (eIMR). Creating a need for the Inpatient physicians to utilize the paper IMR when prescribing medications in the ED. Thus, resulting in an increased in medication errors when comparing computerized health care system against manual paper entries (Hannah et al., 2006).

Change is needed for ED nurses to learn how to use the eIMR for continuity of patient care from the ED to the ward. Based on Lewin's force field analysis, in order for the resistance force to allow change to take place, it is essential to create disequilibrium …show more content…

Such interaction results in increased motivation and morality (Marquis and Huston, 2015).

Transformational leadership Theory

Transformational leadership uses a bottom-up approach with the followers, such approach encourage active participations and gain support from the followers in order to solve problem in the organisation (Farmer et al., 2007). Interpersonal relationship is important in Transformational leadership, and it focus on merging the difference perspective of the leaders and followers into a common cause (Sullivan, 2012).

Such attribute is particularly important in implementing change such as introducing the eIMR to the department, as all the staff and managers will share the common vision, and work towards a common goal in order to successfully implement the change. The constant interaction between the nurse managers and staff can help in solving any problem that might arise during the course of implementation, changes or tuning of any change process can be done through the feedback. Such leadership style encourage feedbacks and suggestions from staffs and better communication between the management and the staff would promote the participation and