Transition To Adulthood Analysis

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It can be burdensome at times to understand if you are still in the stage of being an adolescent or stepping into adulthood. The text discusses when you are considered a teenager, a youth, a adolescent and when you transition to the adult stage. You may think that a teenager, a youth and being an adolescent all fall under the same stage, which it basically does. You are considered an adolescent when you hit puberty and you are considered a teenager from thirteen to nineteen years old. Puberty has gradually began earlier and earlier for every generation, therefore we have children becoming an adolescent sooner than being a teenager. Being considered an adolescent depends on when you hit puberty, and in the text, Steinburg states: “Experts use …show more content…

There is no certain age that you are considered an adult. You become an adult on your own, and it may be later or earlier than others. In today’s generation puberty is happening earlier and it taking us longer to transition into an adult, in fact in the text Steinburg says, “In 1960, three key elements of the transition to adulthood- getting married, moving out of the parents’ home, and completing one’s education- all occurred relatively early compared to today” (Steinburg 83). I think they we should be considered adults when we accomplish at least two of the three key elements. Many people still live with their parents and live off of their parents income, without a college education at twenty-five years or older and they want to be considered an adult. Steinburg states: “More than 55% of all Americans ages 18 to 24 (60% if males and 50% of females) either live with or are supported by their parents” (Steinburg 86). We see this happening more often in today’s society than we have seen in the past and that is causing a delay in becoming an adult. Adults take action and they do the things that they need to, in order to be a better person and better themselves and their family. In fact, the translation from adolescence to adulthood will continue to increase, due to women getting higher education and they do not want to start a family until they get their education, which leads to them marrying at a later age than