Trauma Training: A Graduation Analysis

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This paper will discuss the concept of the need for MSW students to have trauma training prior to graduation. Abrams and Shapiro in 2014 state that “social workers provide much of the mental health treatment in the united states, most clinical social workers will provide treatment to trauma survivors during their careers” (p. 408). As trauma has grown in the United States, social workers are dealing with trauma in many different areas of their client’s lives. The DSM V has categorized trauma in its own chapter to recognize the importance of trauma in the clinical setting. Gilin and Kaufman 2015, recognize that social workers need to be trained to appropriately react to clients traumas in order to provide effective assessment and clinical decision making. …show more content…

While this was an extremely traumatic event it shows the magnitude in which social workers are involved with trauma. The short term goals for the MSW students who have taken the trauma preparation classes at the university feel that they have a sense of preparedness in their future endeavors in the social work field and in their practice. In direct relation to the long term goals of student preparedness is the university having a better working knowledge of the trauma class and the preparedness the MSW students who take the class feel. This is evident by the results of the mentioned hypothesis and what this study hopes to find evidence of in this particular

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