The most effective research method for my study was a quantitative correlation design as it implies a non-intrusive approach to the questionnaire and develops in a significant relation between study variables (Creswell, 2009). The purpose of this type of research is to find if the data has an observable relationship that can be further specified in terms of magnitude and/or an increase or decrease. Correlation indicates the strength and direction of a linear relationship between variables, which are the children who are involved in an after-school program and children who are not involved in such a program.
In this study I used survey data (based on responses in a questionnaire) as a main research tool in order to record the findings and
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It comprises the validation of results between three sets of interpretation and from three different groups. This constitutes the convergent aspect of the triangulation process. The focal point of convergence across groups and across theoretical interpretations is the person–environment interaction and change. It is complemented by the differences in viewpoints across groups in terms of what this interaction means, the loci of control, causes and change. These are the divergent aspects of the triangulation process.
I involved three sets of analysis. Analysis 1 focused on self and personal needs and how other people regarded self and personal needs. The children’ responses to the eliciting questions were coded. Analysis 2 was about how other people (teachers) regarded them in similar–different dimension of schooling, after schooling. Analysis 3 was about interpreting the school environment within the 2 groups of children.
The understanding gained from theory triangulation indicates that the behavioral/psychological and social are the relevant levels of theorizing. These levels are also relevant to the setting of the research agenda for both explanation- and intervention- based knowledge regarding children’s needs and perceptions, from the perspectives of this sample of teachers and children(Verheggen, 2011)
3.8. Ethical
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In this respect, I considered appropriate to make use of Independent Sample T test (Appendix 10), once again, in order to have a different perspective on the matter.
Table7 Group Statistics Are the children that you assesed involved in an after school program? N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean socialbehaviour_recoded Yes 16 1,3750 ,50000 ,12500 No 16 1,4375 ,51235 ,12809
In the Group Statistics(Appendix 10) box, the mean for condition 1 (assessment for children involved in ASP) is 1,37. The mean for condition 2 ( assessment for children who are not involved in ASP) is 1,43. The standard deviation for condition 1 is ,50 and for condition 2, ,51. The number of participants in each condition (N) is 16.
Table 8Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F Sig. t df socialbehaviour_recoded Equal variances assumed ,446 ,510 -,349 30 ,729