Turner's Writings

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A new school year had begun. Three students, Alex, Jill, and Tim, were beginning the first day of their last year of high school. To start off their day they all go to Mr. Turner’s Advanced English class. Alex, Tim, and Jill don’t actually know each other, they have completely different friend groups. Analytical describes Alex, he likes to consider something very thoroughly and analyze all aspects of it from multiple perspectives, especially a philosophical one. He was first introduced into philosophy by Mr. Turner when he had to write a paper about morals his freshmen year. He reads various books from a variety of authors. Some of his favorite authors are Foucault, Deleuze, and Kant. He aspires to be a well-known philosopher, as well, someday. Political defines Jill, she is a very active person and is always trying to bring change to undo what has been done wrong. Some of her heroes are, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, and Martin Luther King Jr. She also admired several early ancient kings like, Darius of Persia, Qin Shihuangdi of China, and Menes of Egypt, who all innovated new forms of government to best establish any society. She listens to the news and hears about the pain voluminous people feel on a daily basis. Inspiration for her close view of …show more content…

That Mr. Turner is overly enthusiastic about reading and books. Today is only supposed to be a half-day, but that felt five times longer than a normal day. Do any of you have any ideas about what you are going to talk about for your presentation?” Jill’s friend Ann answers, “Not really, I mean I like books, but I don’t read for a very serious reason; I only read for fun. The only reason I took this class is because it looks marvelous for college.” Carrying on the conversation, Jill counters, “Reading for fun might work as a reason if you go first, so that you stay original, but it still isn’t ‘A’ worthy. Maybe I just need to sleep on it and a satisfactory idea will