Typhoid Fever: A Very Serious Disease

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Typhoid fever is a very serious disease that you can get from almost anywhere in the world.Parts of the world where sanitation levels and hygiene are poor you will be at a higher risk of getting the typhoid disease. It is mostly common in parts of the world except highly advanced countries like the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, and Japan. The places that are highly risked is Asia, Africa, and Latin America, South Asia is highest at risk. About 300 people that travel outside of the United States get typhoid fever. There’s about 22 million cases and 200,000 deaths of typhoid fever that occur worldwide every year. If you are between the ages five and nineteen then you are at one of the highest risks of getting infected. …show more content…

Salmonella is a bacteria you can get by eating raw eggs or raw meats. You can also get it by traveling and drinking contaminated water. If you travel and eat or drink something that isn’t cooked or is contaminated than you can get the disease. Some of the things you shouldn’t eat or drink are room temperature food, food from street vendors, raw or soft-cooked eggs, raw or uncooked meat or fish, unwashed or unpeeled raw fruits and vegetables, peelings from fruit or vegetables, anything with tap or well water, flavored ice and popsicles, unpasteurized milk, fountain drinks. So make sure you’re not eating anything that might contain salmonella to avoid getting the typhoid