UH Hilo Internship Report

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Within the business program here at UH Hilo, one of the courses I enjoyed the most was Management Information Systems. So naturally, when I was asked where I wanted to do my internship, one of my main goals was to be placed in an environment that would help me gain firsthand experience with information systems. I believe the knowledge and application of technology within businesses are crucial for success. Everyone who works in a business has utilized information systems at some point in time, whether it be someone who pays their bills online, or a Mom-and-Pop store who uses excel to keep track of which products sell best.

My main objectives were to learn how businesses use information to improve company operations and how to manage various information systems so that they best serve the needs of the various departments within the organization. I also really wanted to learn how to create databases, as well as navigate through them in order to pull data for certain inquiries. When my Internship Course Instructor mentioned that an Institutional Research Intern spot in the Office of Institutional Research at UH Hilo was open, I was a little skeptical because I had no idea what the OIR was and what their main goals were. Fortunately, after I did a little bit a research, I knew it was exactly where I …show more content…

With this data, organizational planning, decision processes, policy formulation, and institutional effectiveness can be enhanced and supported. Institutional Research Support is available to all departments within UH Hilo. In addition to that, the OIR processes state wide University data in order to gain institutional perspectives and understanding, as well as projected needs, program objectives, and tracks the efficiency and effectiveness of institutional resources currently being