US Criminal Legal System As A Factory Producing Power Through Language

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The U.S. Criminal Legal System as a Factory Producing Power through Language

The criminal legal system in the United States runs like a factory. Within the factory, there are different facets of work performed all the time, with their own set of instructions and operating manuals. The criminal legal system has sectors of its own, including law enforcement and the courts. The operating manual for law enforcement is disparate from that of the courts, but they are both maintained by the same overarching system, just as different sectors of a factory operate to serve the greater system. The set of instructions, rules, and regulations that the police and the courts follow both serve to produce the main goals of the U.S. criminal legal system, …show more content…

The courts follow a different set of operating procedures while maintaining the same goal of law enforcement, sustaining and producing order and control. The courts, which are comprised of attorneys and judges in the various levels of the courts system, such as the superior courts and the district and municipal courts, are trained on how to handle various legal matters both in and outside of a courtroom. One way in which this sector of the criminal legal system is trained to operate is through plea deals. The courts have far too few workers maintaining the factory, which means that they needed to work around their overwhelming caseloads. Plea deals aided this dilemma by shortening the time necessary to deal with a case, the only problem was, the deals required participation and consent from the citizens involved in the process. This is where the rules and regulations allow and encourage certain operations to occur. To get a citizen to agree to a plea bargain and skip the trial, saving the lawyers and judge and all other parties besides the defendant a whole lot of time, certain practices most often needed to be employed. One tactic heavily utilized in this situation is …show more content…

To maintain order and control over the general public to oversee that the law is being upheld, the various branches of the system must function with these same goals with detailed tactics and regulations that each member of the system engages with. Law enforcement and the courts both operate as sectors of the criminal legal system factory by following their set operational procedures to follow through with their production goals. To produce their goods, in the form of legal maintenance and order over citizens' engagement with the law, the branches of the criminal legal system exert the power provided to them through the language they are instructed to use in their operating procedures, just a factory would have set regulations to operate its machinery. The criminal legal system currently functions as a factory producing control over the general population, and while effective at its desired duties, at some point the factory must be critically evaluated to determine whether its standard operating practices are in place for the safety of the people, or for the power of the factory

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