Uk Health And Social Care Case Study

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This report will describe the social care in England with emphasis on adult care. It will analyse the way it is funded and how services are delivered. Issues/limitations arising from the way and method of funding and service delivery will be described. This will be compared with how the same care service is handled in other European countries like France, Germany, and Finland. The similarities and differences in the methods adopted by these countries will be compared with what is applicable in the United Kingdom. Case studies to buttress the stated points will be analysed as well as global standards of service delivery and funding for adult needing care.
A brief description of the ideologies and policy currently being used by the government …show more content…

Welfare and benefits services: includes employment services, housing benefit, disability benefit, citizen’s advice and professional support.
Leisure and wellbeing services: includes library services, educational services, sports facilities, transport services and community centres.
Care and support are needed by a large number of people in Britain. About 1.1 million people receive care at home and 80% of them are state supported. About 400,000 are in residential care amongst which 56% is state-supported. About 1.5 million people are employed in the care sector and around 6million people care for family and friends. (Roscoe 2017&)
Adult social care is currently one of the highest spending of local authorities in Britain. The number of people in need of adult care keeps increasing at the expense of the allocated budget. It is expected that the local authorities might need to cut down on other services by 2019/20 to accommodate the increasing costs of adult care. It is estimated that the reduction will be from £24.5 billion to £8.4 billion. A lot of survey and reporting has been carried out regarding the question of who exactly should be responsible for adult social care. The Dilnot commission work has not made any improvement to a solution. The current government has been seriously criticized for lacking fairness, fragmentation, and complexity. (Roscoe …show more content…

It is a theory the analyses the structures (internal) of a nation and believing that with some assistance they can be moved from their traditional state to a modern state. It brings these nations into development from underdevelopment. Modernisation does not only emphasis the process of change but also the reactions to this change. Modernisation theory tries to pinpoint the social variables that are responsible for social and societal development and tries to explain the process of social evolution. Modernisation theory is prone to criticism emanating from among socialist and free-market ideologies and socialist, globalisation theorists among others.