Courageous character: uncle hammer
courage is when you feel brave to take on anything
Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry by mildred d taylor and she uses uncle hammer as a protective being
Uncle hammer showed courage by saying is tj the one that gives you water and food on your plate,uncle hammer said on page 236 now you gonna tell me about that leg
And uncle hammer said he wanted to burn someone's property to the ground out loudUncle hammer's courage has showed that he is protective and strong but outspoken.
Would you be willing to take the consequences for an action to protect your family? Uncle hammer took the consequences for his actions to protect the logan family.
Uncle hammer said that he would burn the place down even though he could have got hung for saying that any louder.This happened while uncle hammer was driving his car down the road.And the kids thought a bit about it.
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Would you fight someone out of anger and revenge? Uncle hammer was going to fight and get revenge when cassie got pushed.Uncle hammer was working his way to the simmes house to get revenge.He ran out the door and got pretty far.But mr morrison caught him.Uncle hammer asked papa about his leg and papa changed the subject.
Uncle hammer said ¨ what bout that leg,¨ uncle hammer said.235p
This shows that uncle hammer is courageous to ask any question even if people don´t want him to.
Uncle hammer is outspoken.
Would you be rough and smart to get something through someone's thick skull? Uncle hammer got a message through staceyś head. He made him feel scared,shocked,and guilty at the sametime.And He got stacey to think about it and regret it.
Uncle hammer said ¨Is tj the one that gives you water and food on your