
Understand The Consumer Decision-Making Process

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1. Identify different marketing communications
Content Marketing: Make content available online through blogging , premium content, marketing automation and dynamic website content to help our potential buyers connect and learn more about us even before they start the sales process.

Advertising : Advertising gets us the message and brand in front of the people who most likely will buy. WE can do this through pay-per-click ads , social media marketing and a variety of other channels to ensure that are capturing the attention of the target audience.

Sales Promotions : Incentives. If used correctly can definitely help to accelerate the sales process. Bonus offers , special discounts , trial offers and other limited-time promotions can inspire …show more content…

The marketing communication efforts need to align with all of the marketing and sales programs to ensure messaging is consistent across channels. One key to keep in mind is delivering the right content , at the right place, and at the right time. The message needs to be focused on the buyer persona or ideal customer segment to help the message resonate and pull them through the buying process.

3. Understand the customer decision-making process
Understand what makes customers decide to buy a product or service and then discover why they would decide to buy from us. Some customers use an extended decision-making process , but others use low levels of involvement to make limited, nominal, or spontaneous decisions.

4. Implement your marketing communication plan
Create a customer-focused marketing communications mix that educates and bonds with customers and prospects in ways that favourably differentiate the company as one that can best satisfy their needs. We must choose the communication methods that most effectively reach audience and present an integrated , seamless and consistent message. This will help separate from the rest and engage prospects and customers at various levels of the buying

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