Unions Pros And Cons

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The union/non-union debate has been argued for over a century. Some people have argued that unions are not necessary with the current labor laws that are in place. Others have asked that if unions are unnecessary, then who will insure that workers’ rights and interests are considered? The purpose of this paper is to argue that unions are not needed in this century and organizations should do their best in stopping them from organizing. Unions claim that they provide many benefits for employees. They do create disadvantages for employers as the organization has to follow the collective bargaining agreement and are not allowed as much freedom as they would in a non-union organization. Management and unions have adversarial relationships that can create conflict in the workplace. Organizations should do all that can be legally done in order to prevent a union from organizing at their facility. Organizations must understand the disadvantages of unions and how to avoid them (Ashe-Edmunds, 2017). Labor costs are normally higher in a unionized organization than in a non-unionized organization. In a union organization, employees …show more content…

However, employers can fight to avoid unionization. Federal laws do allow employers to discourage unionization. Firing union activists and moving the organization to a right-to-work state may be rational, but they are illegal methods to avoid unionization (Estlund, 2012). Union suppression is an aggressive strategy for an organization to avoid unionization. Organizations can discuss with employees their union sentiments as long as these employees are not promised things or threatened. Organizations may prohibit the distribution of union literature in all areas of the facility. Both employees and non-employees can be covered under this policy as long as the policies are in place before unionization begins (Deshpande,