University Hospital Of Brooklyn: A Case Study

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After review of the clinical information provided by University Hospital of Brooklyn, the Medical Director has denied your admission to University Hospital of Brooklyn. It was determined that the clinical information did not justify an inpatient stay. Acute inpatient hospitalization was not medically necessary. You are a 35 year old woman with history of hypertension (high blood pressure), type II diabetes mellitus, sleep apnea on continuous positive airway pressure (machine that helps with sleep apnea-breathing), pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs) and pancreatic insufficiency (inability to properly digest food due to a lack of digestive enzymes made by the pancreas) due to alcohol abuse who presented to the hospital with complaining of frequent episodes of nausea, …show more content…

Your other orders were pain management with Morphine (pain medicine) 2 milligram (dose), Reglan (medicine) 10 milligram (dose) every 8 hours for nausea/vomiting, full liquid diet and advance as tolerated. You were started on pancrelipase (medicine to help digest food) 3 times a day with each meal, continuous positive airway pressure (machine that helps with sleep apnea-breathing) for sleep, oxygen as needed, continue Metoprolol (medicine), Lasix (medicine), insulin per sliding scale (medicine given according to your blood sugar result), and Gabapentin (medicine). Based on the Interqual guideline criteria (a decision based program to determine medical need) for Pancreatitis inflammation in the pancreas, the clinical guidelines were not met because submitted clinical does not show evidence of nothing by mouth ordered and intravenous fluid rate and Amylase or lipase (lab results) greater than or equal to 3 times greater than upper limits of normal. The needed interventions, done by the hospital could have been done in the observation unit with monitoring of your signs and