Unmanned Space Probes One From An Influential Space Mission

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First this essay will discuss unmanned space probe. It outline general information about space probes primarily the different types such as atmospheric, Landers, rovers, fly-by, and orbiters. I will break these probes further down by types that are disposable, made to land on surface, and take only distance readings. Next, I will shift my focus to early history of the space probes primary focusing on early 1950s through the late 1970s. I will also discuss two specific space probes one from a influential space mission, and one from a more recent space mission. The two probes that I will be discussing will be the Voyager 1 1977 U.S.A and New Horizons 2006 U.S.A.. Finally, I will add a conclusion, which wraps up the information given in the …show more content…

Before humans achieved the ability to create spacecraft that could sustain human life, the only option for learning more about the universe around us was either long range telescopes, or unmanned space probes. These unmanned probes not only had the ability to get to space much easier than man, but also continue to this day to reach much farther than man has ever gone. Space probes are responsible for some of the most stunningly beautiful pictures of the planets in our solar systems. Space probes are unmanned devices that are launched for earth and carry a wide variety of scientific instruments. Not only do Space probes have the ability to go far and take great photos, but they also have the ability to capture and send massive amounts of scientific data back to earth. This scientific data may include but is not limited to pictures, mass spectrometry, atmospheric reading, and soil samples. This data captured by space probes has been invaluable in learning more about how our universe began, how it is now, and where it is going. Not all space probes are the same there are several different types of space probes, and combination of probes each tailored to its specific …show more content…

Atmospheric probes are a package of scientific instruments that descends to a plants surface while taking reading of its atmosphere along the way. These types of probes are used on planets such as Venus whose harsh temperature inevitability leads to the atmospheric probes destruction. As I said before some probes are a combinations of different types of probes, one notable example of a atmospheric probe, fly-by probe would be U.S.A. Galileo Orbiter 1995. Galileo was designed not to just be destroyed but instead drop a secondary atmospheric probe as it passed close to Jupiter allowing it to collect much more data than the average probe of this type. The second types of probes last longer and are meant to be dropped on plants with more stable environments, they are called landers and rovers. Landers nowadays are primarily a delivery vehicle, and were precursor to the rover. They are designed to softly touchdown on a plants surface, and analyze soil samples and surface conditions. One notable example of a lander is the USSR Luna 9 which achieved after many failures; form both the U.S.A and USSR, the first soft landing on our moon in 1966 (Ivankov,2014). Landers had the limitation of being stuck in one place, this would be solved with the advent of the rover. Rovers are robotic vehicles deployed from a lander that